Fanfare: The Inner Fire is published – get a copy now!

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This is just a short message to share that the book “The Inner Fire: a coaching alchemy” has been published. It’s available to buy on Amazon around the world or direct from my own website. Links to purchase are below. This message is a bit of a sales pitch, which is unusual for me. I’m sharing this because I genuinely believe this is the best thing I have written to date. It took two years to write and brings together so much of my thinking on coaching practise using techniques that I have developed over 18 years of coaching experience. 

Here’s the “sell” bit:

What could the ancient concept and practices of Alchemy possibly have that would be useful for coaching? In this book, Stuart Eglin brings 20 years of his own research in the field of analytical and archetypal psychology to create startlingly original approaches to coaching. Inside you will find the origins of the use of alchemy in personal transformation and a set of incredibly practical tools to work with this radical approach. 

Whether you are a coach looking for techniques for your own practice or someone looking for ideas to self-coach, to do the work on yourself that will lead to the inner transformation that brings the authentic you to the surface, inside you will find all that you need to work with the techniques developed by Stuart.

If you are searching for an inspirational read, this is the book for you. Stuart brings himself as the Poet, the Master Coach and the Explorer of new ideas to the text so that the reader can experience the ideas within through multiple ideas, voices and creative techniques. This book will help you on the path to realising your true potential. Enjoy the journey. 

And here are a couple of comments from early readers:

“I love this book! I believe it is important, fresh, and necessary thinking about the coaching experience, and I have already been using these concepts since my first reading. I am so grateful for your insights.”

“It’s an amazing book which I found very interesting to consider in view of a coaching practise.” 

Buy the book on Amazon UK (or your own local version if outside the UK) or direct from my website.

If you are outside the UK it’s probably cheaper to get it from your local Amazon site or from a local bookshop. Hope you enjoy reading it. 

Also published on Medium.

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